With registration upon us, Lang students are scrambling to meet with their advisors about spring 2016 courses. (Cue the tears, hair-pulling anxiety, and maybe even stress dreams about picking the right classes.) We've all been there.

And guess what? In a few more months, we'll all be doing it again. (Cue gasps of horror and screams of pain.) Meeting with your advisor can feel like the most difficult part of the whole thing. It can get complicated and frustrating. You may even consider dropping out of school to work full-time at the coffee shop job where your boss has been nagging you to pick up more hours.

But fears be gone! We met with students and heard their worst advising stories, and then went to advising to find out why things go wrong and how they can go smoother.

- Truman Ports and Ashley Beam

Maddie Lane

Junior, Literary Studies

Advising at The New School is super impersonal and the advisors don't know you outside of what a computer tells them, which is basically the opposite of what the classes are like.

Breeana Ashkar

Junior, Literary Studies

I pay for this school. I feel like I should have someone to actually advise me and not feel like I'm burdening them.

Quinn Sullivan

Sophomore, Psychology

I made a mistake that could have been solved quite easily if given just a modicum of the proper attention.