Taught by
Alexandra Ackerman
Code available at
Presentations available at
Last class we went over jQuery. Today I'd like us to focus on some JavaScript fundamentals.
By the end of today, you should be familiar with:
All numbers in JavaScript are treated as floating point numbers
Returns a boolean value: True or False
A sequence of characters surrounded by quotation marks
Adding two strings together is concatination
You can also compare two strings using comparator operators
Now you know three data types in JavaScript.
But how do we manage and manipulate data?
JavaScript variables are containers for storing data values. It's a lot like algebra class.
You declare variables using the "var" keyword. The reason they are called variables is because they can change or be adapted over time.
Let's say we want a program to calculate the length and width of a triangle
length is 10, width is 5
We can break the problem down like we would a recipe
We use variables to "remember" the values and instructions of these scripts
Scripts frequently need to achieve the same goal even when they are run with different data, so variables can be used to represent values in your scripts that are likely to change.
Variables can be any of the data types we discussed today. They are containers for data.
You can redeclare the value of a variable, without using the keyword "var"
Quick note about viarble names
Let's expl how to use variables with a calculators lab
First step, we need to know the user's income. We'll focus on getting values from inputs later, but for now let's start with a simple variable
Then we want thirty percent of our income
Since this is the yearly income, we should divide it by number of months.
Finally, we want a message to show the person using the calculator
Functions are a block of code designed to run the same task multiple times. This brings our scripts together.